I am so excited to excited to tell you all about the deal I just snapped up on this fantastic website http://www.replicaboutiques.com. So as you all know I am a fashion addict and one of my obsessions is bags and wallets/small leather goods, I am always on the hunt for a new bag or new wallet or new agenda...well you get the idea!
So I was told about this website that purchases designer bags, then have their machinists create an exact replica, all materials, dimensions and colours etc the exact same as the original. I never really believed in buying replica handbags, but I thought I'd give the site a look. So I made my way onto the site and did some major research and found the bags are fantastic quality (so I read from the reviews) and decided to order myself a Celiné mini luggage tote in Army Green (Khaki) and to my surprise when I got to the checkout I found that because it's Halloween, I had a coupon code that gave me half off plus free shipping. This sealed the deal even more for me! So I placed my order.
I will keep you posted on how quick the shipping is and how good quality the bag is when I receive it.
Heres the bag: